【同义词辨析】 2018-10-15 招待harbor-board

harbor: implies provision of a place of a refuge especially for an evil, hunted, or harmful person or animal: ~ thieves; or suggests the holding in the mind of thoughts, wishes, designs, especially evil or harmful ones: ~ thoughts of suicide.

shelter: suggests the place or thing that affords protection or a retreat, especially from such things as the elements, attacks, or a bombardment: ~ed themselves from the posse in the hayloft.   posse临时武装队,一群人       干草棚干草仓

entertain: implies the giving of hospitality, often with special efforts to insure pleasure and comfort, to a guest: ~ed lavishly most nights; or suggests considerations of ideas, notions, or fears: privately ~ a theory about the education of children.

lodge: implies the supplying of a place to stay, often temporary: ~d the wanderers for the night; or the reception into the mind or any place in which a thing may be deposited or imbedded: a series of events that are ~d in her memory.    (deposit: 1、储蓄存款sum of money saved in a bank to gain interest,如a deposit account存款账户  2、沉积矿藏accumulated matter,如area with large mineral deposits矿产丰富地区,when the Nile is in flood, it deposits a layer of mud on the fields尼罗河泛滥时,会在田野上沉积一层泥)

house: implies a shelter like that of a building with a roof and walls that offers protection from the weather: found a nestle housed in the tree.

board: implies the provision of meals or of room and meals for compensation: ~ with the Smiths.

harbor避难有想法: 为恶人或动物提供避难所(refuge);或持有负面有害想法,名词表示港湾,shelter遮挡: 提供保护隐蔽,如躲避天气攻击轰炸,entertain招待考虑: 表示好客让人愉快舒适;或表示考虑一下(consideration),lodge临时住宿: 表示临时提供住处;或表示接收储存某物,house房屋: 躲避恶劣天气的地方,如墙和顶构成的建筑,board伙食: 指有偿提供食物或食宿(准确说食宿应是board and lodging)

记忆方法: 1)前三个首字母组成SHE她,后三个HLB好老板,她是好老板<==招待周到

          2)招待的意思是提供住处mean to provide a place, such as one's home, quarters, or confines, where someone or something may stay or be kept for a time.  quarters角落 confines界限范围